Hey Everyone. I just wanted to take a little time to give you, the viewers, a little update on MegapolisTips.com!
I created www.MegapolisTips.com on August 2nd 2013. I created this website with the intention of helping other players successfully accomplish Timed Quests, and to better understand assets required for key buildings that allow faster leveling, and Coin banking. I had noticed the "Unofficial Megapolis Wiki" before creating Megapolis Tips. But in viewing the Wiki I also noticed wild discrepancy's between the game and guides. Also that Timed Quest Guides were never complete and lacked any visual stimulants. That is why I release a Complete Timed Quest Guide with pictures within hours of the quest release. The Wiki element is awesome don't get me wrong but I strive for accuracy and speed in my guides. A Wiki is editable by anyone thus resulting in inaccurate Guides. Besides that, I also created Megapolis Tips to help those struggling with the basic principle of the game. Which by now we most all know is Sending and Receiving Gifts. Without an active trading between neighbors no one would be able to complete buildings or quests on time. Always remember to Gift often and off of their Wishlist if possible.
Now on to the details.
- In the first month of operation here at Megapolis Tips, I have created 20 quest guides, including timed quest and regular infrastructure quests. These are Complete Guides with accurate information and pictures.
- MegapolisTips.com has attracted players from all over the world, with the United States having the most Viewers.
- Speaking of viewers, in the first month the site brought in over 10,000 Unique Visitors! That is incredible!
- Want to know whats even better than that? 45% of you return at least once a week. Often more than once! This gives me a lot of motivation to keep new content coming.
- Over 20,000 page views in the first month tells me I'm definitely doing something right!
- Ad revenue is up because of your support. Generating over $25 USD in the last 2 weeks! Keep clicking those ads that interest you, it really helps!
I wont trouble you for anymore time I just wanted to give everyone a chance to see what I see on a daily basis, which is a dedicated user base, and a large amount of new visitors daily. Often 250 - 500 new visits daily.
One last thing! Don't forget MegapolisTips.com accepts PayPal Donations, just see the donations page above! $2, $5, $10, and $20 donation amounts. Thanks for your support!
Check back for new guides. I have a couple in mind for September!