This Timed Quest was Released on 10-15-13. Need Help with Assets? To get more Neighbors visit the Megapolis Add Me Group on Facebook!
Time Limit 192 Hours.
"Build a Sailing Center, Pier, and Yacht Berth. Train sea captains and run a Best Yacht competition. Then set off on a world tour in the wake of Christopher Columbus!"
Requires Level 15 to Begin.
Results From the "Oktoberfest" Timed Quest:
Party Started (Finished) (37%)
So Close I Can Taste It! (20%)
Stumbling (Failing) (27%)
Not Started (15%)
Be Sure To Vote for This Timed Quest.
"Build a Sailing Center, Pier, and Yacht Berth. Train sea captains and run a Best Yacht competition. Then set off on a world tour in the wake of Christopher Columbus!"
Requires Level 15 to Begin.
Results From the "Oktoberfest" Timed Quest:
Party Started (Finished) (37%)
So Close I Can Taste It! (20%)
Stumbling (Failing) (27%)
Not Started (15%)
Be Sure To Vote for This Timed Quest.
Stage 1 - Sailing
Stage 2 - Windsurfing
Stage 3 - New Sails
Stage 4 - The Sea is Calling!
"Build a Sailing Center and tell your neighbors about it."
- Buy a Sailing Center Foundation:
Costs: 100,000 Coins or 3 Megabucks, 15 Power and 25 Water
Gives: 500 XP, and 5,000 Population Cap Increase
- Build the Sailing Center's Frame:
Requires: 10 x Cement, 10 x Duck Canvas, 10 x Paint, 10 x Pipes
- Visit Five Neighbors:
"Great job! As a reward, you get the materials you need to continue construction. You can find them in the Storehouse."
- 150 XP
- 1,200 Coins
- 5 x Curb (For Stage 2)
- Access to Stage 2 (Windsurfing)
Stage 2 - Windsurfing
"Complete the construction of the Sailing Center and invite your neighbors to come windsurfing!"
- Build a Sailing Center:
Requires: 10 x Curb, 10 x Tickets, 10 x Metal Detectors, 15 x Marine Diesel Oil
Gives: 750 XP, and 35,000 Population Cap Increase
- Start the Windsurfing Contract:
Requires: 6,500 Coins and 4 Hours to Complete (Only Accepting is Required)
Gives: 30 XP, and 13,000 Coins
- Buy a Pier Foundation:
Costs: 100,000 Coins or 3 Megabucks, 30 Power and 15 Water
Gives: 600 XP, and 7,500 Population Cap Increase
"Windsurfing is a really exciting sport!"
"Windsurfing is a really exciting sport!"
- 190 XP
- 2,000 Coins
- 5 x Lighting Equipment (For Stage 3)
- Access to Stage 3 (New Sails)
Stage 3 - New Sails
"Save up some money and expand the Sailing Center."
- Expand the Sailing Center:
Requires: 5 x Lighting Equipment (From Stage 2), 15 x Turnstiles, 15 x Bricks, 15 x Technical Drawing
Gives: 850 XP, and 70,000 Population Cap Increase
- Collect 1,500 Coins in Taxes:
"The Sailing Center might need to be expanded again soon. But it holds everyone for now."
"The Sailing Center might need to be expanded again soon. But it holds everyone for now."
- 260 XP
- 3,600 Coins
- Access to Stage 4 (The Sea is Calling!)
Stage 4 - The Sea is Calling!
"Build a Sea Captain School and train new sea dog in the ways of the open waters!"
- Build the Pier's Frame:
Requires: 10 x Technical Drawing, 10 x Aluminum Profile, 10 x Windlass, 10 x Flexible Hoses
Gives: 750 XP, and 40,000 Population Cap Increase
- Build a Sea Captain School:
Costs: 40,000 Coins or 2 Megabucks, 25 Power and 20 Water
Gives: 540 XP, and 16,000 Population Cap Increase
And 46 XP, 560 Coins Every 12 Hours
And 46 XP, 560 Coins Every 12 Hours
- Complete a Sea Captain Training Contract:
Requires: 12,000 Coins and 6 Hours to Complete
Gives: 60 XP, and 21,000 Coins
"All hands on deck! Now the residents of Megapolis and the surrounding cities are known for their mastery of the seas!"
"All hands on deck! Now the residents of Megapolis and the surrounding cities are known for their mastery of the seas!"
- 310 XP
- 4,300 Coins
- 5 x Steel Cables (For Stage 5)
- Access to Stage 5 (Freestyle Waterskiing)
Stage 5 - Freestyle Waterskiing
Stage 6 - Yacht Berth
Stage 7 - The Megapolis
Stage 8 - Yacht Construction
Stage 9 - Best Yacht
Costs: 12,500 Coins and 6 Hours to Complete
Gives: 80 XP, and 21,700 Coins
Quest Complete! - Yacht Club
"Finish building the Pier and organize an incredible Freestyle Waterskiing show!"
- Complete the Pier's Construction:
Requires: 10 x Steel Cables, 10 x Marine Deisel Oil, 15 x Paint, 15 x Duck Canvas
Gives: 850 XP, and 80,000 Population Cap Increase
- Complete a Freestyle Waterskiing Contract:
Requires: 8,000 Coins and 5 Hours to Complete
Gives: 45 XP and 16,500 Coins
"The grateful people of the city have generously rewarded you for your work with a Sea Fountain. You can find it in the Storehouse."
"The grateful people of the city have generously rewarded you for your work with a Sea Fountain. You can find it in the Storehouse."
- 350 XP
- 5,400 Coins
- Access to Stage 6 (Yacht Berth)
- Sea Fountain
Gives: 580 XP, and 7,800 Population Cap Increase
Stage 6 - Yacht Berth
"Expand the Sailing Center and begin building a Yacht Berth. One day Megapolis will even have its own regatta!"
- Build a Sailing Museum:
Requires: 10 x Flexible Hoses, 10 x Info Board, 10 x Lighting Equipment, 15 x Geotextiles, 15 x Cables
Gives: 900 XP, and 110,000 Population Cap Increase
- Buy a Yacht Berth Foundation:
Costs: 150,000 Coins or 3 Megabucks, 25 Power and 25 Water
Gives: 600 XP, and 75,000 Population Cap Increase
"Great job! You completed the quest. As a reward, you get the materials you need to continue construction You can find them in the Storehouse."
"Great job! You completed the quest. As a reward, you get the materials you need to continue construction You can find them in the Storehouse."
- 390 XP
- 6,100 Coins
- 5 x Pipes (For Stage 7)
- Access to Stage 7 (The Megapolis)
Stage 7 - The Megapolis
"Complete the construction of the Yacht Berth and begin the creation of the yacht Megapolis."
- Build the Yacht Berth's Frame:
Requires: 5 x Pipes (From Stage 6), 10 x Windlass, 10 x Bracket, 10 x Duck Canvas
Gives: 750 XP and 40,000 Population Cap Increase
- Buy a Yacht and Cutter Design Bureau:
Costs: 45,000 Coins or 2 Megabucks, 26 Power and 21 Water
Gives: 890 XP, 17,750 Population Cap Increase
And 36 XP, 640 Coins Every Hours
- Start the Megapolis Yacht Design Project Contract:
Requires: 13,000 Coins and 8 Hours to Complete (Only Accepting is Required)
Gives: 70 XP and 20,600 Coins
"They've started building the yacht Megapolis in your city!"
"They've started building the yacht Megapolis in your city!"
- 420 XP
- 6,900 Coins
- 5 x Paint (For Stage 8)
- Access to Stage 8 (Yacht Construction)
Stage 8 - Yacht Construction
"Time to build our own yacht! It's a big job, but you can do it!"
- Complete the Yacht Berth's Construction:
Requires: 5 x Paint (From Stage 7), 10 x Marine Diesel Oil, 10 x Lighting Equipment, 15 x Flexible Hoses
Gives: 970 XP, and 80,000 Population Cap Increase
- Complete the Yacht Construction Contract:
Requires: 14,000 Coin and 8 Hours to Complete
Gives: 70 XP, and 26,500 Coins
"Great work! Soon the Best Yacht competition will kick off in Megapolis!"
"Great work! Soon the Best Yacht competition will kick off in Megapolis!"
- 455 XP
- 7,700 Coins
- 5 x Photoelectric Doors (For Stage 9)
- Access to Stage 9 (Best Yacht)
Stage 9 - Best Yacht
"Finish the construction and you'll get a reward: the Christopher Columbus Museum and the opportunity to travel around the whole world!"
- Build a Viewing Platform:
Requires: 10 x Photoelectric Doors, 10 x Insulation, 10 x Polyurthane, 15 x Flagpole, 15 x Floor Slabs
Gives: 1,100 XP, and 200,000 Population Cap Increase
- Complete the Best Yacht Competition Contract:
Gives: 80 XP, and 21,700 Coins
"Work completed! You've earned the gratitude of your residents and the Christopher Columbus Museum! You can find the museum in your Storehouse."
"Work completed! You've earned the gratitude of your residents and the Christopher Columbus Museum! You can find the museum in your Storehouse."
- 490 XP
- 8,900 Coins
- Quest Complete!
- Christopher Columbus Museum
Quest Complete! - Yacht Club
- Christopher Columbus Museum:
Gives: 460 XP and 48,000 Population Cap Increase (On Placement)
And 28 XP and 1,150 Coins Every 20 Hours
The Yacht Club Timed Quest Has Some Nice Looking Buildings, But Don't Be Fooled, This Quest is a Monster. Good Luck Everyone!
On Stage2, you need 15xMarine Diesel Oil, not 10!
ReplyDeleteGood spot. Fixed in guide.
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