Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Subway - A New Form of Public Transportation

Megapolis Now Has a Subway System! This Will Allow Everyone Extra Production Buildings, Similar to the Airport. This Guide Will Cover the Entire Quest Line.

This Quest is Available at Level 

Requires Building Subway Buildings, Stations, and other Transportation Related Missions. 

Click "Read More" to view the entire Quest Guide

Stage 1 - A New Form of Public Transportation
  • Buy a Subway Administration Building Foundation:
Costs: 50,000 Coins or 5 Megabucks, 10 Power and 5 Water
Gives: 300 XP and 5,000 Population Cap Increase

  • Accept the Laptop Production Contract:
Requires: 750 Coins and 15 Hours to Complete (Only Accepting is Required)
Gives: 92 XP, and 10,900 Coins

"Great job! Keep building, and soon Megapolis will have a new form of public transportation!"
  • 100 XP
  • 1,000 Coins
  • 5 x Concrete Blocks (For Stage 2)
  • Access to a Stage 2 (Underground Transportation)

Stage 2 - Underground Transportation

  • Build a Subway Administration Building:
Requires: 5 x Concrete Blocks (From Stage 1)
Gives: 450 XP, and 7,000 Population Cap Increase
  • Build a Service Platform:
Costs: 10,000 Coins or 4 Megabucks, 12 Power and 10 Water
Gives: 200 XP and 3,500 Population Cap Increase
  • Build a Tunnel Entrance:
Costs: 10,000 Coins or 3 Megabucks, 15 Power and 13 Water
Gives: 300 XP, and 4,000 Population Cap Increase

"Wonderful! Now you need to buy a train so you can deploy it to take people to and from work, the movies, or anywhere else."
  • 120 XP
  • 3,000 Coins
  • 5 x Glass (For Stage 3)
  • Access to Stage 3 (First Train)

Stage 3 - First Train
  • Buy an Underground Subway Station Foundation:
Costs: 20,000 Coins or 2 Megabucks, 10 Power and 8 Water
Gives: 150 XP, and 8,000 Population Cap Increase
  • Build and Underground Subway Station:
Requires: 3 x Glass (From Stage 2)
Gives: 300 XP and 7,000 Population Cap Increase
  • Buy a Miami Train:
Costs: 125,000 Coins or 2 Megabucks
"The Miami Train is equipped with a high efficient engine with low energy consumption, which makes it more profitable to run than other trains."

"The Subway is sure to be very popular in Megapolis. Would you like to tell your friends about it?"
  • 140 XP
  • 4,200 Coins
  • Access to Stage 4 (Delivering Passengers)

Stage 4 - Delivering Passengers
  • Buy an Electrical Substation Foundation:
Costs: 160,000 Coins or 3 Megabucks, 18 Power and 15 Water
Gives: 300 XP and 12,000 Population Cap Increase
  • Deploy a train on the Rush Hour Schedule (I):
Costs: 2,400 Coins and 3 Hours to Complete (Only Accepting is Required)
Gives: 9 XP, and 3,540 Coins

"The Subway is still under construction, but you've already achieved significant results. Congratulations!"
  • 160 XP
  • 5,500 Coins
  • Access to Stage 5 (Repairs and Preventive Maintenance)

Stage 5 - Repairs and Preventive Maintenance
  • Build an Electrical Substation:
Requires: 5 x Concrete Rings, 5 x Light Concrete, 5 x LEDs
Gives: 450 XP, and 13,000 Population Cap Increase
  • Buy a Maintenance Shop Foundation:
Costs: 130,000 Coins or 2 Megabucks, 17 Power and 15 Water
Gives: 300 XP, and 8,500 Population Cap Increase
  • Complete two runs on the Weekend Schedule (I):
Requires: 850 Coins and 6 Hours to Complete (Per Contract)
Gives: 10 XP, and 2,690 Coins

  • 170 XP
  • 6,200 Coins
  • Access to Stage 6 (?)

Completed Guide Coming Soon!

Finishing this Quest Line Allows you to Build New Production Buildings and Complete New Contracts. Besides, Megapolis is so Huge That a Subway System is a Necessity!


  1. Great, thanks for your effort!

    1. Incredible! I finally received Unlimited Coins, Megabucks, Population for Free after searching for weeks. Link:

  2. I'm past stage 5 already and on who knows which stage. Currently you must upgrade train A to Los Angeles.

  3. Sean, please keep on going with it (I have not yet started yet so it would be helpful), and here You have some info about Winter Games new quest.

    Media Center
    5x Aluminium Profile (from gift)
    5x Rebar (from gift)
    5x Light Concrete (from gift)

    Biathlon Trail
    15x Flare Gun
    10x Searchlight
    10x Concrete Rings
    10x Geotextiles
    10x Seismic Detector
    15x Tickets

    Babsledding Trail
    15x Ice Cutter
    15x Plastic Seat
    15x First Aid Kit
    15x LEDs
    10x Thermos of Tea
    10x Steel Cable
    10x Radiolocation System
    10x Signal Flags

    Winter Games Village
    10x Concrete Mixture
    10x Scaffolding
    5x Cement
    5x Roof Tile (from gift)

    10x Bitumen
    10x Loudspeaker
    10x Info Board
    5x Camera
    10x Photoelectric doors
    10x Concrete Slabs

    20x Piles
    10x Satelite Comunication System
    10x Express Elevator
    10x Flagopole
    10x Escalators
    10x Roof Tile
    10x Pipe
    10x Overhead Hoist
    10x Glass
    10x Satellite Antenna

    This time quest has 12 stages but looks like not very difficult. In 20 minutes I was able to skip first 6 stages, then some steps appear but it should be fine and possible to finish.

  4. Hi Sean, new quest has arrived, seems it is a next part of previous one. Winter Games in Megapolis
    Here are the assets:
    Victory Stadium/Ceremonial Square
    5x Barrier Tape (from gift)
    5x Aluminum Profile (from gift)
    5x LEDs (from gift)

    15x Concrete Blocks
    10x Satellite Communication System
    10x Lighting Equipment
    10x Bracket
    10x Steam Roller
    10x Iron Beams
    10x loudspeaker
    10x Geotextiles
    15x Tickets
    20x Glass

    Hockey Arena
    10x Self-tapping screw
    10x Safety Barriers
    5x Ice Resurfacer (from gift)
    5x Scaffolding
    10x Steel Sheets

    Aspen Arena
    20x Skates
    10x Concrete Mixture
    10x First Aid Kit
    10x Hydro Insulation
    10x Granite Slabs
    5x Photoelectric Doors

    Glacier Stadium
    10x Hard Hat
    10x Circular Saw
    10x Spray Gun
    10x Flagopole
    10x Turnstiles
    10x Pipes
    10x Temperature Controller
    10x T-beam
    10x Ventilation System

    Snow Queen
    10x Ice Resurfacer
    10x Signal Lamps
    10x Aerogel
    10x Floor Slabs
    10x Tiles
    10x Plastic Seats
    10x Perforator
    10x Lagging
    20x Info Board

    Everything is 430 assets, so quite big. However first 6-7 levels are able to pass in few minutes, then all major construction starts. Good luck everybody

    1. Maciej- just wondering how you find out the information you provide. And thanks!

    2. Maciej thank you, the info's you provide are very helpful for the game!

  5. Woow Great article I enjoyed reading all this information . And sure I'll try your featured tool
    best regards
