Friday, August 2, 2013

Operation Cosmic Shield

Feel Free to Post Any Updated Information in the Comments.

"Save the earth from the falling asteroid!  Built a rocket complex and train a team of astronauts!"''

''"An asteroid is approaching the earth! It could potentially destroy every city on the planet, but the residents of Megapolis know there's someone out there who won't let that happen!  Scientists suggest building a series of rockets and launching them into space to change the gigantic rock's trajectory!"''

''"We could start a space program in Megapolis.  At the moment it will help save the people of earth from the asteroid, and tomorrow it will provide Megapolis with the innumerable bounties of the cosmos!"

The Player has 192 hours to complete a timed quest consisting of completing buildings and contracts to achieve limited time rewards.

Click Below to See the Quest Guide:

Quest Guide:

Stage 1 - Danger from Space

"Build an Institute of Thermal Engineering to develop everything you need to change the asteroid's trajectory. And don't forget to warn your neighbors about the impending threat!"
  • Build the Institute of Thermal Engineering
Costs: 50,000 coins or 2 mb, 15 power and 10 water
Gives: 400 xp and 6,900 population cap increase

  • Visit 6 Friends

  • Start the Thermocapillary Convection in Rocket Fuel Contract

Great job! We're getting materials as a reward for completing the mission so quickly. You can find them in the Storehouse.
  • 150 XP
  • 3,500 Coins
  • 5 x Photoelectric Doors

Stage 2 - Megapolis Astronauts

"Build an Astronaut Training Center, then start working on training and educational programs to prepare the future astronauts."
  • Build an Astronaut Training Center
Costs: 75,000 coins or 2 megabucks, 15 power and 8 water
Gives: ? xp and 7,200 population cap increase

  • Complete the Recruiting the Astronaut Team Contract
Requires: 8,100 coins and 4 hours to complete.

"Great job! The residents of Megalopis are more than happy to supply you with the materials you need to continue construction. You can find them in the Storehouse."
  • 160 XP
  • 4,000 Coins
  • 5 x Air Extractor

Stage 3 - Flight Control

"Build a Flight Control Complex to ensure that your astronauts have a safe flight and return home in one piece."

  • Buy the Flight Control Complex Foundation
Costs: 80,000 coins or 3 megabucks, 10 power and 8 water
Gives: 350 xp and 6,500 population cap increase

  • Build the Flight Control Complex (Level 1)
Requires: 5 x Concrete Blocks, 5 x Air Extractor (from Stage 2), 5 x Photoelectric Doors (from Stage 1), 10 x Plastic Windows

  • Complete the Training Flight Contract

  • 170 XP
  • 4,800 Coins

Stage 4 - Stop the Asteroid!

"The Flight Control Complex needs to be upgraded before we can send astronauts to the asteroid and prevent it from colliding with the earth!"

  • Upgrade the Flight Control Complex (to a Radiolocation Center)
Requires: 5 x Satellite Communication System, 5 x Radar Antennas, 5 x Navigation Equipment, 
5 x Radiolocation System, 10 x Radiolocator, 10 x Satellite Antenna
  • Complete the Developing Reactive Targeting Systems Contract
Requires: 6,400 Coins and 4 Hours

  • Collect 3,000 in Taxes

"Great Job! You`re getting a well-earned reward: the Apollo Lunar Module. You can find it in your storehouse."
  • 190 XP
  • 5,500 Coins
  • Apollo Lunar Module
Gives: 850 XP and 16,200 population cap increase

Stage 5 - The Astronauts are Heroes

"Set up a place for the astronauts to live in Megapolis and hold an autograph session for them. And charge for them - you`ll need the money to continue construction."
  • Build the Astronaut Campus
Costs: 70,000 Coins or 2 Megabucks, 18 power and 13 water
Gives: 350 XP and 720 population cap increase

  • Undertake the Autograph Session with Astronauts Contract

  • Collect 10,000 Coins in Taxes

  • 200 XP
  • 6,300 Coins

Stage 6 - Preliminary Tests

"Title Text"
  • Begin Construction of Repair and Testing Facility
Costs: 60,000 Coins or 3 Megabucks, 12 power and 8 water
Gives: 350 XP and 8,000 population cap increase
  • Build Repair and Testing Facility Frame
Requires: 5 x Friend-or-Foe Identification System, 5 x Information Board, 10 x Rebar, 10 x Concrete Ring, 10 x Bitumen, 10 x Air Extractor, 10 x Hydro Insulation, 10 x Iron Beams

  • 210 XP
  • 7,400 Coins
  • 10 x Hydro Insulation

Stage 7 - It's Almost Launch Time

"Title Text"

  • Begin Construction of Meteorite Rocket Complex
Costs: 90,000 Coins or 5 Megabucks, 8 power and 5 water
Gives: 375 XP and 9,000 population cap increase

  • Finish Construction of Repair and Testing Facility
Requires: 5 x Measure and Control Systems, 5 x Automatic Fire Suppression Systems, 5 x Multi-functional Monitor, 10 x Ventilation System, 10 x Paint, 10 x Sling Hooks, 10 x Floor Slabs, 10 x Railway Signals, 5 x Bricks

  • 250 XP
  • 8,500 Coins

Stage 8 - Testing the Rocket Complex

"Title Text"

  • Build the Meteorite Rocket Complex Frame
Requires: 5 x Aluminum Profile, 10 x Rebar, 10 x Asphalt, 10 x Brick, 10 x Flexible Pipes, 10 x Iron Beams, 10 x Sling Hooks
  • Complete Testing the Meteorite Rocket Complex Twice:
Requires: 11,350 Coins and 6 hours to complete (per contract)
  • 280 XP
  • 9,100 Coins
  • 5 x Friend-or-foe Identification Systems

Stage 9 - Saving Megapolis

"Title Text"

  • Finish Building the Meteorite Rocket Complex
Requires: 10 x Radar Detector, 10 x Hydraulic Jack, 10 x Friend-or-foe Identification System, 10 x Control Consoles, 10 x Radar Antenna, 10 x Measure and Control System, 10 x Emergency Shutdown Systems, 15 x Voltage Regulator, 15 x High-Intensity Lights, 20 x Multi-functional Monitor 
  • Undertake the Launching the Rocket with the Astronaut Team Contract
Requires: 8,400 Coins and 8 Hours to complete (may not have to wait for reward)

  • 350 XP
  • 10,000 Coins
  • Planetarium

Reward - Operation Cosmic Shield


  • Level 1
  • 20 power and 10 water

900 XP and 6,600 population cap increase on placement

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